kommunikationsdesign macromedia

And also keep in mind that the public transport doesn’t start running again before at least 6 AM or something like that. Prepare to hear Kpop. Hmm lots of choice.

If you can’t see any silverware on the table take a look at the ends of the table, there’s most likely a drawer you can open.

So even if one was to commit a crime, chances are high that you would get caught. Saying goodbye to Vilnius, but definitely not the last time! Make sure you have the address written down in Korean, because otherwise you might end up somewhere else. Also pour their drink for them. Even if you are Korean.

If you want to give someone more money it is like you are looking down on them and think that they need the money more than you do. It is considered rude and disrespectful to stick your chopsticks into a bowl of rice. Got questions about studying abroad? Since age is a huge factor in the Korean culture, make sure that you don’t start eating before the oldest person does. So you are forced to pay 1200 won every single time you get into a bus or the subway. Want to sit down in a cafe and talk to your friends about god and the world? Course must be offer in English, what can I do?

It’s not normal to smile at strangers or greet them.

I’m just saying that you shouldn’t expect to be able to get along without having communication issues. For fashion design i imagine it'd help to be in one of the big fashion capitals like London, Paris or Milan?

Università in Europa: paese, città, tipo di università, stato di università. While taking the subway one time is ridiculously cheap compared to for example Germany (You pay less than 1 Euro for one trip with the subway, no matter how long the trip is) it is incredibly expensive if you take the subway 1-2 times a day or more. Yes, you read that right. Despite Kpop being played everywhere not all people do like it or listen to it in their free time. (Saturn, Media Markt & Co.) And it is generally hard to find things. While Taxis definitely are cheap in Korea compared to western countries, it still isn’t recommendable taking one every single night.

Thanks for posting.

I have read this many, many times.

Don’t be surprised about people not greeting each other unless they are really close. But ever since I came here I actually do understand why people would think this way. No matter what website I look at – they all tell you not to do this under any circumstances. A lot. I'm Bangladeshi, I'm a graduate & now want to continue my post graduate study in fashion design. and no one will look at you. Stereotype number one: Everyone loves Kpop.

Want to get around town in a Taxi?

Feel free to show your legs, but leave that cleavage hidden. There are some other options to check out in this list of 'world fashion capitals': http://www.theatlanticcities.com/jobs-and-economy/2012/09/worlds-leading-cities-fashion/3182/.

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