campo fau

In addition, FAU offers teaching degree programmes (Lehramt) for primary schools, secondary schools (Mittelschule, Realschule and Gymnasium) and vocational schools.

Applicants for Medicine, Dentistry or Pharmacy must submit the original notification from a German Office for the Recognition of Certificates (Zeugnisanerkennungsstelle) confirming that their certificate has been officially recognised. In the meantime, please register yourself for the Transition Studies on and upload your rejection letter with the invitation (no other uploads needed).

ERASMUS/SOKRATES programme) or a scholarship holder (e.g. Both Erlangen, a city of 100,000 inhabitants that was the former home of the Huguenots and is a key location for Siemens, and Nuremberg, a city with a metropolitan flair and a population of half a million, have their own unique charms.

Start für grundständige Studiengänge (Bachelor, Staatsexamen) sowie NC-Fächer zum Wintersemester 2020: voraussichtlich 25. Completeness: Please note that for applications to be processed all necessary documents have to be enclosed. All information on applications for Master’s degree programmes is available under Applying for Master’s degree programmes. However, this is dependent on whether any previous course and examination achievements have been accredited. If you have already enrolled at FAU and have re-registered for the semester in which you would like to change degree programme and have paid the semester fee, you will need to complete the application to change degree programme. Changing degree programmes may be undertaken by post, fax or e-mail up until lectures start. Hinweis: Der Studiengang Grundschuldidaktik (Lehramt Grundschulen) wird zum Wintersemester 2020/21 kein zulassungsbeschränktes Fach sein. The application procedure is based on the school-leaving qualification obtained. sich für einen Studiengang zu bewerben und, die Einschreibung an der FAU zu beantragen. Enrolment periods. All other applicants should register as usual via and select the winter semester when submitting the application. In order to enrol you must submit all required documents. Proof that you have paid the student fees applicable to guest students (depending on the number of semester hours for the required lectures), e.g. FAU has set up a website for coronavirus information. Generiert vom Knoten node01 im Cluster prod. husband, wife, parents). A list of the Master’s degree programmes currently on offer at FAU and an overview of the degree programmes taught in English and international degree programmes is available on our website.

You will then receive information on how and when to enrol and which documents are required in the admissions letter. The postal address of the Student Records Office’s can be found in your enrolment application. A team of researchers at FAU set out to find answers. The secondary education qualification from your school in your home country does not necessarily entitle you to study at a German university. Documents must be received in the period from 27 July until 18 October 2020 for the winter semester 2020/21.

Students who do not have this official letter may only enrol by submitting their original certificate together with a translation and enrolment will be limited to one semester only. The cities of Erlangen, Fürth, and Nuremberg offer a very good standard of living. Studierende Applicants for a doctoral programme require: In order to complete enrolment, please send all documents stated above to [email protected]. Das Unterrichtsfach Biologie ist aber weiterhin zulassungsbeschränkt. FAU’s two main sites, the cities of Erlangen and Nuremberg, are located at the heart of the Nuremberg Metropolitan Region. More information (including the application requirements) is available on the Graduate Centre’s website.

If you are successfully enrolled as a guest student we will then send a stamped copy of your enrolment application together with your StudOn login credentials by post to the address you have given us. You will only receive this permission if your degree from abroad is considered equivalent to the required German qualifications. Admission to a Master’s programme requires a degree equivalent to a Bachelor’s degree. In order to enrol you must submit all required documents. Please select one of the available search engines: The Student Advice and Careers Service, Admissions and Scholarships, Student Records Office and Examinations Office are still there for you. If you want to spend one or two semesters at FAU as an exchange student (e.g. Please select one of the available search engines: Application and enrolment for international applicants. If this applies to you (see enrolment application in campo), you are simply required to transfer your semester fees and then send all required documents to the Student Records Office by post. Here you will find the date for the enrolment in person at the Student Record Office. Continue. Bewerber/-innen Sie möchten sich für ein Studium an der FAU bewerben bzw. applicants from Iran), If applicable: university entrance examination certificate from your home country, If applicable: assessment examination (Feststellungsprüfung) for the degree programme in question (certified copy), if you have completed previous periods of study: complete academic report/transcript of records, if you have completed a previous degree: degree certificate (e.g.

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