grund stammkapital

Trying to learn how to translate from the human translation examples. Die Farben sind der endscheidende Grund oder besser der Farbtyp. L 156, S. 23) - Indirekte Besteuerung der, Reference for a preliminary ruling - Corte Suprema di Cassazione - Interpretation of Article 4 of Council Directive 69/335/EEC of 17 July 1969 concerning indirect taxes on the raising of capital (OJ 1969 L 249, p. 25), as amended by Council Directive 85/303/EEC of 10 June 1985 (OJ 1985 L 156, p. 23), Eine Gesellschafterfremdfinanzierung liegt vor, wenn der mit. bestimmten Teil zum steuerbaren Einkommen gezählt. if the amount of such property exceeds the amount established by the Government of the Russian Federation and at the same time the value of assets according to the latest balance sheet of the financial organization whose shares (participation interest) and/or property are contributed to the charter capital exceeds the amount established by the Government of the Russian Federation. Acresce que o HLB converteu regularmente em capital social as reservas que ele próprio realizara (uma operação, segundo a Alemanha, comparável à emissão de bónus), o que equivale, de acordo com os elementos fornecidos, a uma remuneração efectiva de [...]% a jusante de impostos (e a um correspondente influxo) do capital realmente pago pelo accionista, pelo que o HLB é o Landesbank com a mais elevada remuneração efectiva .

In diesem Fall lautet der Bilanzposten „negatives Eigenkapital“. The seepage of sewage into the groundwater and sewage system, Ohne angemessenen Grund oder böswillig verursachte Kosten, Last Update: 2016-12-12 Quality: land registers and land charges registers, Last Update: 2014-11-14 Usage Frequency: 2 Es verbindet mit dem Stammkapital ein Mindestkapital, um nicht von vornherein den Gläubigern der GmbH eine zu geringe Haftungsmasse für Gesellschaftsschulden zur Verfügung zu stellen. A company must have a supervisory board only if the average number of employees in a year exceeds 200, if law explicitly requires so for a particular business activity, if the initial authorized capital of the company exceeds HRK 600,000 and the company has more than 50 owners, if the company has a single management that runs public and private limited companies that must have supervisory boards under the law, or if it directly, participates in them through direct shares in.

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