can superman survive in space

He can hold his breath due to his powers. Silver Surfer stops holding back and tries the following attacks on PC Superman and 616 Thor Odinson in individual battles on the moon. Superman can indeed suffocate or drown, and in the DCAU is shown wearing an oxygen suit when working in outer space. Against Superman, she could pull out kryptonite, and against Goku it may give her the Dragon Balls to wish Goku away. They can survive in space however, by holding their breath for a long period of time. Mongul really does not stand out much in the 616, he is sturdy enough to be capable of giving Silver Surfer and Beta Ray Bill some trouble at times. Superman (Clark Kent Goku VS Superman 2 Superman Readers loved the character and he would go on to become a new Superboy, helping his father in his battles to defend Metropolis. He eats and drink he does not need it to survive. He can travel the reaches of space where no human body could possibly survive without the aid of technology or protection. In Superman: The Animated Series he was depowered enough to need a space suit to survive out of a planet’s atmosphere, but these days he can hang out in space pretty much as long as he needs, though interplanetary travel is inefficient without a ship. Not only that, we see the map operating in space, implying that Dora can survive in a vacuum. Yes. But if he could survive indefinitely in space – or in a lava pit, or buried alive, or on an airless planet – without the need for oxygen, that would truly make him super, indeed. Pick this up for the adult edge and modern sense of humor. In the Superman/Goku rematch, Boomstick claims that Goku cannot survive in the vacuum of space despite acknowledging that he can survive in a vacuum in the original episode. Can Goku Breathe In Space? And, you can learn all about the amazing Helios airplane by clicking on "Dr. Marc's amazing facts." … Bardock could, Vegeta could in the filler, but what about Goku? But even if the story doesn't definitively answer whether or not Superman needs to eat, it suggests that at the very least, without the yellow sun and solar energy, he is affected by hunger as much as any human. The issue can feel a bit slow at times, but you’re not going to get as big a laugh out of this comic as any other this week. Next, Dora has her backpack; with this, it could give whatever Dora needed to win the fight. Superman is unable to beat Flash in a race. I guess MAN OF STEEL Superman can't survive in space. I've seen quite a few portrayals of Superman flying through space without any sort of helmet in movies, cartoons, and comics. Hulk can survive in space for a time, but not permanently like the Surfer. he adapts. Before analysing the structure, capacities and constraints of the Kryptonians, let us first figure out the strengths and limitations of us humans. Not only that, we see the map operating in space, implying that Dora can survive in a vacuum. What he can do is hold his breath for hours. Kara and Clark’s super-resilience allows them both to hold their breath for far longer than us mere mortals, but that doesn’t mean they don’t need oxygen to breathe. The simple fact remains that Superman chooses to live outside his true kryptonian nature, he could easily traverse the voids of space and expose himself to various forms of steller radiation from such sources as blue star's, white dwarves, as well as other cosmic phenomenon such as quasars and pulsars to exponentially increase his already incalculable power and abilities to absolutely incomprehensible … [105] Invulnerability : Due to the interaction of his dense molecular structure and supercharged bio-electric aura, Superman is nigh-invulnerable to … Thunder can survive without food, water or air. Can Saiyans Survive In Space? It makes no difference to them who started the fight--they're still dead because both those guys are fighting. 08-17-2010, 04:13 PM #19. saberopus. Transcript: How Long You Can Survive in Space Without a Space Suit. Where Clark seems to use muscles to pull himself down, Superman floats up to his full height effortlessly. One flower is enough to incapacitate even the strongest hero, but with an entire planet full of them, the Justice League must steel their minds or else succumb to the withering effects of the great tree at the core. He didn't die in space. He was merely deformed partially by the nuke. It wasn't about being able to breathe in space. It was about him taking a hit... Where Clark takes up less space – the way you might when you don’t want to be noticed – Superman is naturally self-confident and comfortable with being seen. Superman was first created in 1938 when Action Comic #1 came out, making him one of the oldest characters in the DC Comics universe. INC.”. Does Superman need food and water to survive? He doesn't. During the Modern Age reboot John Byrne made it so Superman could only super-saturate his body with enough oxygen to last him a few hou... My theory: Superman, contrary to popular belief, isn't just a "yellow sun battery." Silver Age Superman didnt not need to breath/could hold his breath indefinitely. Super Breath: With a powerful exhale, Superman can blow winds that can knock away armies of foes. Superman can survive without air, food, sleep, or water. But Ant-Man might find a way to alter the laws of the universe so he could … Jon Kent, the current bearer of the Superman mantle, has been the subject of lots of DC Comics press releases lately, including his sexuality and romantic life.At the same time, his father, Kal-El, just departed earth with his new team, the Authority, for the treacherous and deadly Warworld – a planet-like space station populated by the world’s worst warriors and criminals. No prep. Krypton had many strange creatures (such as glass-eaters) and beautiful landscapes that simply don't exist … Actually, usually only Superman went into space without breathing equipment. In function, it is similar to the zoom lens on a camera. Actually saying Superman can breath in space is actually silly on my part since there is no air in space, what I really meant to say he can survive in space for long periods of time without needing any planetary oxygen. Superman returns to Earth after spending five years in space examining his homeworld Krypton. Can survive through space; Has superstrenght enough to lift entire planets. Lots more things live in Marvel space which might give Brainiac more trouble, who I can see troubling the Fantastic Four more often than Superman. 4,081. Invulnerability: By the 1970s, Superman became able to withstand an atomic explosion and even fly through the core of a star. He's also capable of moving the entire mass of the planet. There is no air to breath. Superman immediately heads to Paris, where he launches the elevator carrying the bomb into outer space before it can detonate. He just has amazingly powerful telekinesis that he can't fully control. Superman: Year One #3, the miniseries’ conclusion, goes on sale Oct. 16. Standard equipment. Using his powers of flight and super-speed Clark can travel inter-planetary distances by himself. Andrew Klavan Published October 15, 2021 773 Views. However, in this film, it wasn’t used for Superman. Rumble — The socialist left ruins everything they touch, but a capitalist can still send Captain Kirk into space. But space isn't nearly as much of a challenge for, say, Superman. Y'see, Supergirl – and, by extension, Superman – can only survive in space under a very specific set of circumstances. It's hax. However, Boomstick also mentioned that Goku cannot breath in space and the battle against Beerus was in the upper atmosphere or at least at the border of it, not deep space. The way that Superman and Superman II designed the Phantom Zone was a little more simplistic due to the time when the films were made.Christopher Reeve's Superman movies portrayed the Phantom Zone as a rhombus-shaped mirror-like prison that would then spin around in space.In the first Superman installment, General Zod, Ursa, and Non were sentenced to … So can most of the alien opponents they encounter. Superman flies in space for fun when he first discovers he can fly. Superman , in the novel, never once thought to go to the Fortress to recharge, or just to fly up into space beyond the clouds and take in some sunlight to get his powers back to normal. Superman's cousin Supergirl also survived Krypton's destruction, as did Kristin Wells, who had been on the run in space at the time of the planet's destruction. Nonetheless, the other Super-Friends were able to survive with just fishbowl helmets. From the comics to the animated movies to the big screen, Batman has maintained a distinguished career of beating up his frenemy, Superman. When low on solar energy, Superman can 'recharge' if exposed to a source of yellow sun energy. With Batman unable to cope, can Superman, Wonder Woman, the Flash, and Green Lantern survive the horrors of their souls? Answer (1 of 2): Superman can store whatever energy he derives from the sun (it’s pretty clearly not “solar power” in any sense consistent with the laws of physics). How can Superman Fly? We all get our energy from the sun. Super Hearing: Superman can hear sounds far quieter and from much farther away than most people, and he can even hear in space. The Superman theme is always a joy to hear, and it is arguably the greatest – if not one of the best – Superman theme songs ever created. Superman can shoot beams from his eyes, fly faster than a jet and survive point-blank gunshots to the head because our sun is a different color from his sun - fine, we'll accept that. And Goku can also survive in space like Superman now, because I say so. 1052. And when Superman actually did show up, the theme song wasn’t played. I have this theory that Superman isn't actually super-strong, invincible, super-fast or super-whatever. As for his history, Kal-El was a baby when his planet Krypton suffered destruction. In many versions of the story, it was either barren or icy, and often the home to huge crystals and crystalline structures. Therefore, it is logical that Superman bypasses the need for oxygen because he primarily metabolizes sunlight, rather than food, and that his feats would consume more energy than food stores could ever provide. X-Ray Vision: Superman can see through any volume of matter except lead. We have seen Superman healing wounds in seconds. So here Superman is cut by Wonder Woman magically enchanted blade. Which is why she's even able to... Superman can shoot beams from his eyes, fly faster than a jet and survive point-blank gunshots to the head because our sun is a different color from his sun - … The closest Superman got to being nuke fodder was Frank Miller having him barely survive the nuke in DKR and John Byrne having Superman get knocked out with a 40 Megaton explosion in the 80s. There is no air in space so breathing (respiration) is not an option. So Superman would be immune to xenomorph blood, but only if he thinks he is. Modern DC comics have shown that Superman also requires an oxygen mask for prolonged periods in space or underwater. Superman can survive the gravitational forces of a black hole, a force that light cannot escape. Adventures of Superman: With George Reeves, Jack Larson, John Hamilton, Bill Kennedy. Superman's space suit in its place at S.T.A.R. 4. On top of this, … Not only that, we see the map operating in space, implying that Dora can survive in a vacuum. 03-22-2021, 09:11 PM #171. They have the characteristics that are given to them … This isn't really a fight but more of a durability gauntlet. Superman can survive the gravitational forces of a black hole, a force that light cannot escape. He can move through Jupiter's core like you can move through a particularly dense fog. Next, Dora has her backpack; with this, it could give whatever Dora needed to win the fight. Superman saves Russian Cosmonauts on his way to Smallville. But this is a good thing, because it forces the writers to go beyond "guy in wacky costume robs bank" stories and up the threat level -- not just for Superman, but for comics in general. They are always in the upper atmosphere of the planet that they are near. Eventually he will need to breath. The only one I think can't is Supergirl an that's only from the TV series. Both of these could be explained either by not needing oxygen, or by being able to hold his breath for extended periods of time. Votes: 277,231 | Gross: $200.08M Superman would do well to avoid Lobo's attacks or end up being dragged by his bike through space. Readers will have to … He is also seen underwater for extended periods of time. Superman would survive very easily. Neutron Stars are the second densest objects known to man after black holes. This is a massive black hole. And... Sometimes confused with "interstellar travel", Self-Sustenance is a term used to describe the ability of some characters to survive in harsh environments without air, sleep, food or water. In canon, Goku has shown no ability … The rate at which he 'recharges' can vary. Superman isn’t a fish. If he inhaled under water, he’d just fill his lungs with it. There’s no need to since he could hold his breath as long as he... Labs.. Superman's space suit was created by Emil Hamilton for Superman to use when his pursuits would take him to space and for when he would go into space to explore or study something. 5y. 323 rumbles. Used frequently in Super Friends. during his battle with the monster Doomsday) or if he spends too much time away from a yellow sun while in outer space. Saiyans can intake more oxygen into their lungs thus they can stay in space/underwater or anyplace without oxygen for long periods of time. Space Ghost's sidekicks Jan, Jace, and Blip can also breathe in space with no problems. Nobody can breath in space, but Superman doesn’t need to breath or Oxygen at all to survive, he can purely survive on Solar Radiation. Superman doesn’t need to eat, sleep or breath. He does all of those to feel human, purely by choise. No, he's like a plant, his body processes sunlight, that's all he needs to survive, but he still eats and drinks so he can feel more connected to humanity. It was equipped with a mic system that allowed Superman to both record what he says and talk to Dr. Hamilton back on Earth. Superman and Thor are in character. DC has been putting the current leading bearer of the Superman mantle, Jon Kent, in the spotlight in recent weeks through a public examination of his sexuality and romantic life. The same can even be said when Pan is flying in "space" with Hercule and co. during a Dragon Ball Super episode. Viltrumies can fly because of a complex balancing system located in their ear, and that is why Omni man can fly on Earth. I was relieved to see that addressed in BVS. In "The Death of Superman" comic storyline in which he first appeared, Doomsday mysteriously bashed his way out of a metallic holding cell miles underground, dug his way up, and began senselessly killing and destroying … Yes. Superman can not breathe in space. Though limited, the exact extent of the ability is undetermined. Superman: 10 Ways Jonathan Kent Has Changed Since 2015. Metallo's robotic body presents a huge danger to Superman. As for Superman surviving a nuke, pretty much every writer since the late 1940s has written Superman as shrugging off nukes. In the Superman Cartoons from the 90's - They gave him a space suit. I … If you’re a fan of DC Black Label because of its rated-R nature, Superman vs. Lobo #2 should tick all the right boxes for you. Superman has, in the canon of the DC Universe, lifted 200 quintillion tons. Its predecessor, Superman's "Secret Citadel", first appeared in Superman #17, … By DC Comics it was never explained. Not in a way one can consider a true explanation. His body simply needs stellar energy. As long as he has that... Goku VS Superman is the 25th episode and Season 1 Finale of DEATH BATTLE!, featuring Son Goku from the Dragon Ball series and Superman from DC Comics in a battle between the world-famous alien protectors of Earth. Superman is strong but Gladiator is used to cosmic threats and his military experience makes him ruthless enough to take down Superman. No. he can. Superman is often seen floating or flying near Earth's orbit or in outer space. Due to being an alien cat, Snookey Wookums (Krypto the Superdog) can survive in the vacuum of space. Yes he can. Against Superman, she could pull out kryptonite, and against Goku it may give her the Dragon Balls to wish Goku away. Kryptonian survivors of alternate worlds, such as Power Girl (Kara Zor-L) and the canine Krypto the Superdog , also reside on Earth. In this case, there is still an upper limit on the amount of time Superman can spend in outer space, although he can clearly spend more time there than a mere human can. But let’s get real: if Superman can breathe in space, it’s because the writers say he can. Terra, Ventus, and Aqua (Kingdom Hearts) can use their Keyblade Armor to survive in space. Sun Battery- Superman absorbs his energy from the sun, this is also shared by Ultraman. Most versions of Superman can fly in space. The Fortress of Solitude is a fictional fortress appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics, commonly in association with Superman.A place of solace and occasional headquarters for Superman, the fortress is typically depicted as being in frozen tundra, away from civilization. And i think you underestimate Horus a little, he maybe isn't capable of killing wonder woman and green lantern but they would have had a bad time fighting against him. Superman can also swim at speeds approaching Aquaman's speed as well as run at speeds similar to that of the Flash. Next, Dora has her backpack; with this, it could give whatever Dora needed to win the fight. The reason why such a common-sense approach wasn't taken was never addressed in the comic. Round 1: Race to the moon. Originally Posted by Amadeus Arkham. Subscribe 6.1K. Because like(how Do keep your gear in a universe were every technology is heretic) and superman is dead as soon as kryptonite is discovered in the Imperium. 7 Metallo's Robotic Body. According to science, our universe in 4-dimensional space, where we humans are just 3-dimensional creatures. Superman takes a round trip up to the orbiting Wayne Enterprises satellite and back. His heat vision, for example can reach planck temperature, or 10 32 Kelvin. No, he doesn’t, though there has been a bunch of inconsistency about this since the 1986 reboot. The mandate then was to de-power Superman to a “be... Goku was voiced by Lawrence Simpson and Superman was voiced by Michael Agrusso. Yes, but we're talking about the way DCAU Superman was portrayed, and that portrayal involved him wearing space suits. This is how he can survive in space, in the deepest trenches of the the ocean, or … Share. Doomsday is a supervillain appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics, commonly as one of Superman's deadliest foes, as well as the Justice League.Created by writer-artist Dan Jurgens, the character had a cameo appearance in Superman: The Man of Steel #17 (November 1992) and made his first full appearance in Superman: The Man of Steel #18 … It was frequently used in the Superman comics before the continuity was … What type of physiology would Superman or any humanoid life-form require to be able to withstand the vacuum of space? Telescopic Vision: Superman can see things at a great distance, without violating the laws of physics. In a head-to-head fight, Gladiator has the edge, as he can easily survive space, which can give Superman problems. He doesn't absorb yellow sunlight and then release it in equal amounts when he uses his powers. In most media Superman and other Kryptonians cant breathe in space, that's just a misconception. This actually gives Lanterns a very easy way to beat beings like Superman – by manifesting Kryptonite radiation out of thin air. We just eat other organisms to do so. Don’t miss 'CANDACE,' the Daily Wire’s new show starring conservative lightning rod, Candace Owens. 4 THOR. Clark can survive in outer space as long as he has a breathing apparatus, and doesn't lose too much solar energy. He can lose his powers if he expends a lot of energy quickly (e.g. It was used for Daffy, who was dressed up as Superman. Longevity: Superman can live longer than regular humans, remaining at their prime as long as they was under the exposure of the "yellow" sun. Technically, he doesn't have to breath. INC.”. This means without the process of respiration, Kryptonians cannot survive. Can run faster than the speed of light. Superman Isn't Gay | Ep. The issue later reveals something is taking away solar energy from Superman, and his powers return to normal. His Superman had a chance to fight several Kryptonians and held his own, can survive in space without oxygen, pushed through the immense pressures generated by the terra-forming World Engine, fought Doomsday (and won) while massively weakened, took a nuke to the face(! Also, to make and launch your own bubble-powered rocket, click on "Make spacey things." While the air is much colder, and thinner then ground level conditions, it would still be breathable. Superman can indeed fly in space, in the same sense that Sherlock Holmes can solve crimes. Self-Sustenance: Superman was able to survive in the space without any kind of problem to breath … John Byrne Reboot in the 80's - He definitely needed a breathing apparatus to survive in Space, his tissues and eyeballs were fine, no suit needed. Yes, it has been explained and the answer is; the same way he can survive other hostile enviroments such as the inside of volcanoes inside the sun... But he finds things have changed while he was gone, and he must once again prove himself important to the world. Hearing: Superman could hear sound at almost any wavelength and at great distances. Super Breath: Superman's breath was capable of freezing objects and generating hurricane-force winds. He could also hold his breath indefinitely, allowing him to travel underwater or in space without breathing apparatus. No. Superman simply doesn't need to breathe at all. In essence a powered kryptonian, doesn't need to eat, drink, breathe, or sleep. They get their... Doomsday is a rampaging, seemingly mindless, murdering monster who killed Superman.He is the result of Kryptonian genetic engineering gone awry. Yes. The thing that bugged me in those battles with Zod is all the people that were getting killed. Visit The Space Place, and click on "Do spacey things" to do a crossword about a "nine-eyed Earth watcher" that studies pollution in the atmosphere from space. It was used for Daffy, who was dressed up as Superman. In this version, Superman needs to breathe air in order to live, making him as vulnerable to suffocation or drowning as any normal human on Earth. Surfer combines the basic flying Brick package with major hax, reality warping, cosmic awareness, intangibility, TK, energy absorption (Channeling the Big Crunch) and the ability to turn your powers off. Without an air supply, Superman can last between an hour and ninety minutes in space or underwater, after taking a deep breath. Stitch (Lilo & Stitch), along with the rest of his cousins, doesn't require equipment to survive in outer space. And when Superman actually did show up, the theme song wasn’t played. There’s something else going on. Not only do these rings allow the user to fly and survive in outer space, they also enable a Green Lantern to create energy constructs in the shape of anything they can imagine. Superman can easily survive conditions in deep space, but he does need to breathe, eat, sleep, and excrete. Krypton is a planet which orbits a red star. Against Superman, she could pull out kryptonite, and against Goku it may give her the Dragon Balls to wish Goku away. Bruce is absolutely right. S uperman is often thought of as the father of the DC Universe and in 2015, he was made into an actual father. Frank Miller’s The Dark Knight Returns is a patently polemical comic, but there’s no avoiding the truth: Batman pulverized his red-caped opponent.Though TDKR is the most famous example of their pugilism, Batman literally killed the Man … Round 2 if this makes any difference: Race from Earth to the furthest end of the known universe. However, in this film, it wasn’t used for Superman. I give you two possible answers: 1. Canonical answer: Superman ability to fly, believe it or not, is an extension of his power to jump. Arguably, h... Before its destruction, it was home to a great civilization which boasted advanced science and technology. Invulnerable to anything but extremely powerful attacks and obviously, Kryptonite. He can also a millisecond alarm and listen to every language simultaneously. Why can Superman breathe in space but Supergirl can t? Yes, Superman can stop most Batman-level crimes in two seconds, just like Batman can probably stop most Chief Wiggum-level crimes in one. Wiz: when it came to Durabillty, their was no question either , Superman can literally survive, explosions strong enough to destroy small planets , while kratos was shown to have the power to survive continent busting attacks , meaning Superman is at least 80X more durable , … (Jesus Cable and Hulk are a few examples). ... and to survive in any environment, allowing the fight to take place in any location (preferably away from the sun). Director: Bryan Singer | Stars: Brandon Routh, Kevin Spacey, Kate Bosworth, James Marsden. To save him, his parents put him in … Superman flies through space in order to rescue Lois from her damaged escape pod. I think the saiyans survive in space the way superman does (please dont yell at me for using superman as an example it was the only one that came to mind, moving on....). 1. The Man of Steel fights crime with help from his friends at the Daily Planet. The Phantom Zone is a fictional prison-like parallel dimension appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics, commonly in association with stories featuring Superman.It first appeared in Adventure Comics #283 (April 1961), and was created by Robert Bernstein and George Papp. She can even survive in space unaided. The Superman theme is always a joy to hear, and it is arguably the greatest – if not one of the best – Superman theme songs ever created.

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